Monday, March 26, 2012


If you love Nature like I do, then you should TOTALLYYY buy one of my calendars while its still early in the year! Photography is a hobby of mine and I took all these pictures. It was tough getting it down to my favorites!
So check them out!!!

Support independent publishing: Buy this calendar on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: Buy this calendar on Lulu.Or Maybe flowers are your thing (I know they are mine!!!)  

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Associated Press: African Union force to step up hunt for Kony

The Associated Press: African Union force to step up hunt for Kony

This is amazing!!!!! SO happy they are doing something. I've been a supporter of stopping Kony since I first heard about it!
Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


So, I've been watching a lot of Hulu and they have some commercials during your shows. Well one day, I think I was watching The Voice (ooh I love that show!!!!) and kept seeing a commercial for Krave cereal. Which sounded good... and after about the 10th time I've seen this commercial, I decided I MUST try this stuff. Well thankfully, my new roomies actually had both boxes in the kitchen. WELL!!!! Let me tell you this!!!!!!!!!!

That is the most delicious cereal I think I've ever tasted! I had the double chocolate one. mmm Oh wow. It was like a little bit of chocolate candy with creamy chocolate inside. I fell in love. Seriously. I think we are going to elope. ;)
But honestly, I'm not getting paid to say this. I'm just SAYING IT! BUY THIS STUFF!!!!!!!!!! Soo good!!!!!!!!

Get to that grocery store and check it out!!!! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sorry for the SO few blogs.

I was living somewhere and didn't have internet, so hence the small amount of blogs. I'm working on starting up again, since I"m living somewhere that I have internet again. Oh that blasted internet. Can't live without it.... get completely addicted to it. haha! Well stay tuned I'll try to start posting soon. :) in the mean time, follow me on pinterest

Dr. Suess

Some great Dr. Seuss quotes :) Dr. Seuss Quotes
[Via: 30 Dr. Seuss Quotes to Live By]